Credit Transfer Guide

Athens State University is an upper-division institution, offering coursework at the 300-level and above. To be admitted as a degree-seeking student, 任何未来的学生都必须获得大学水平的学分,并在以前就读的所有机构的正式成绩单上证明. 

Learn more about the distinction between transferability, 相等, 适用性, and the different policies/procedures on the acceptance of different types of credit below.

可转学性是指大学接受其他高等教育机构的学分,将其纳入学生的雅典州立大学记录的情况. Athens State University’s policy on Transfer and Acceptance of Academic Credit and the bullets below detail the requirements for the transfer of academic credit to Athens State.

相等 refers to the determination as to whether accepted 转移信用 is equal, both in hours and content, to coursework offered or required by Athens State University.

  • Lower-level (100/200) equivalencies will be determined by staff in the Office of the Registrar – Student Records. Since Athens State is an upper-division institution and does 不 offer coursework at the 100/200-level, 阿拉巴马州社区学院系统课程目录被用作建立和确定较低水平等效课程的基准.
  • 高级(300/400)等效性将由该学科所在的学院/部门确定,并且必须通过大学的等效性批准程序. As part of this process, 对转学课程的内容和教学水平进行评估,以确保学生的成绩和能力与雅典州立大学提供的特定课程相当.


适用性是指所接受的转学分是否会被计入某一特定学位或课程的要求. The University reserves the right to determine the 适用性 of any 转移信用 toward the fulfillment of a specific degree, 程序, or course requirements at Athens State. 不等同于任何必修课程的转学课程只能作为普通选修课和总学时申请. 在某些情况下, a transfer course that is 不 determined as an equivalent may be eligible as a substitution for a required course.  此类替代将根据具体情况进行考虑,并且必须通过大学课程调整程序的批准.

Credit Earned at Institutions Accredited by an Institutional Accrediting Agency

雅典州立大学一般接受由美国认可的机构认证机构认可的高等教育机构获得的学分.S. Department of Education. 从这些机构获得的学分(高于补救水平)将包括在雅典州立大学本科学生记录中,并可用于满足某些学位要求. Coursework taken at the graduate level will 不 be automatically recorded on the Athens State University undergraduate transcript.  Some graduate-level coursework may be added as undergraduate credit on a case-by-case basis at the written request of the student, 当课程作业被相应的学院批准为适用于正在攻读的本科课程的要求时.

Transfer Course 相等 Guide

For students pursuing graduate degrees at Athens State, 任何从认可机构转来的研究生学分/课程必须与所修学位或专业的要求相关. 研究生转学课程的内容和教学水平由适当的教师顾问进行评估,以确保学生在课程中具有适当的能力. 由美国认可的机构认证机构认可的机构提供的最多六(6)个学期的研究生课程.S. Department of Education may be transferred into an Athens State University graduate 程序. 申请毕业时已完成五(5)年以上的课程不得用于完成研究生课程要求.

Credit Earned Through Completion of Nationally Recognized Exams

Athens State University recognizes credit earned through examinations completed under the Advanced Placement Program (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), 非传统教育支持辩护活动(DANTES)下的科目标准化考试(DSST),前提是达到可接受的考试成绩. Official transcripts of AP, CLEP, or DSST scores must be submitted directly to the Office of 招生 before any credit is awarded. If official examination transcripts can不 be obtained, no credit will be awarded. 从美联社, CLEP, and DSST are only accepted as non-graded credit, any credit awarded will 不 factor into a student’s grade point average. Credit awarded for AP and CLEP examinations is at the 100-200 level; some credit earned through DSST may be eligible for 300-level credit. Credit will be awarded only if it does 不 duplicate other earned academic credit.


Athens State University recognizes credit earned through GCE A/AS Level examinations offered by a number of Examining Boards (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance (AQA); Edexcel; Oxford, 剑桥, and RSA 考试 (OCR); Pearson; Council for the Curriculum, 考试, and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland; Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC); 剑桥 International 考试 (CIE); Oxford International AQA).

学生不需要获得完整的高级国际教育证书(AICE)文凭,因为通过了A/ as水平考试的个人GCE科目证书可以考虑转学分.

Examination scores for A/AS Level 考试 are A, B, C, D, E, and U/O. Scores of A–E are passing and credit can be awarded. Scores of U/O are 不 passing and no credit will be awarded. Official score reports must be submitted to the University in order for credit to be placed on the student’s transcript. Credit will be awarded only once for the same subject, whether from credit by examination, 双录取, 转移信用, or credit granted by Athens State University.

Athens State University recognizes International Baccalaureate (IB) credit with a score of 4, 5, 6, or 7 on the higher-level examinations. IB score reports should be sent to the Athens State University 注册处 for evaluation. Additional credit may be awarded on a course-by-course basis as approved by the department. Some departments may award credit based on the subsidiary examinations. 负责学生学习计划的学术单位将决定特定学位要求的学分申请. 如果授予, credits will be recorded without grades or quality points, 也不会, 因此, be included in the calculation of grade point average.

General Education/Elective Credit Through SOPHIA or StraighterLine

在某些情况下, 学生可以从SOPHIA Learning或straight line获得通识教育学分和一些专业前要求.  雅典州立大学根据美国教育委员会(ACE)的建议,对这些供应商提供的选定课程授予学分.  成功完成的SOPHIA或straight - line课程将被授予ace推荐学分,作为非评分课程(“及格”),不计入学生的GPA.

Please 不e that Athens State does  accept or award credit for all SOPHIA or StraighterLine courses; be sure to review the specific Athens State partner institution or partner college information before signing up for any SOPHIA or StraighterLine courses.  请与 注册处 if you need assistance.